However, the provided help is a little weak. This page helps to fill in a few holes. Since both TKADaoTable and TTable are derived from TDataSet, there are many similarities.
TTable - TDBDataSet - TBDEDataSet - TDataSet - TComponent TKADaoTable - TDataSet - TComponentThis documents covers those query techniques that are NOT the same.
Functions that Work the Same
Find_First, et al.
Find_First finds the first record - related commands Find_Next Find_Prior Find_Last
Function Find_First(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions):Boolean;
// This function just tests to see if the ID is in the table function TUserDataModule.Get_User_ID(User_ID: string): string; var KeyValues: Variant; flag : boolean; begin Result := ''; // null string means not found KeyValues := VarArrayCreate([0,0], varOleStr); KeyValues[0] := User_ID ; flag := KADaoTable_Users.Find_First('UserID', KeyValues, [loCaseInsensitive]); if flag then begin result := User_ID; end; end;
FindFirst, et al.
Function FindFirst: Boolean; Function FindLast : Boolean; Function FindNext : Boolean; Function FindPrior: Boolean;
This example (from the KA Dao help) should show the data on a form.
Var A:Variant; Begin A:=StrToDate('24.4.2000'); KADaoTable1.SetFindData('Date',A,[]); KADaoTable1.FindFirst; ShowMessage('FindFirst'); KADaoTable1.FindNext; ShowMessage('FindNext'); KADaoTable1.FindPrior; ShowMessage('FindPrior'); KADaoTable1.FindLast; ShowMessage(FindLast); End;
Select query
Strings inside a query are surrounded with double quotes because the target is an MS Access database ... for a real SQL database, single quotes should be used.
Set SQL to the following string (the trailing semicolon is optional)
Select Sample_ID from Samples_tbl Where SampleHolder="NS123" and SamplePosition="03" ;For
KADaoTable_Query.ExecSQL(SQL);the error is
Project xyz raised exception class EOleException with message 'Cannot execute a select query'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue.
function TSamplesDataModule1.Get_Sample_ID(SampleHolder, SamplePosition: string): integer; var SQL : TStringList; begin Result := 0; SQL := TStringList.Create; SQL.Add('Select Sample_ID from Samples_tbl ' + 'Where SampleHolder="' + SampleHolder + '" ' + ' and SamplePosition="' + SamplePosition + '" ' + ' ; ' ); KADaoTable_Query.ExecSQL(SQL); SQL.Free; result := KADaoTable_Query.FieldByName('Sample_ID').AsInteger; end;
Using a query as the table name
KADaoTable1.Active := False; KADaoTable1.TableName:= 'SELECT * FROM [bnb-1999];'; KADaoTable1.TableType:= dbOpenDynaset; KADaoTable1.Active := True;This works
s := 'Select Sample_ID from Samples_tbl ' + ' Where Sample_Holder_Barcode="' + SampleHolder + '" ' + ' and Sample_Holder_Posistion="' + SamplePosition + '" ' + ' ' ; KADaoTable_Query.Active := False; KADaoTable_Query.TableName := s; KADaoTable_Query.TableType := dbOpenDynaset; // must include DAOApi KADaoTable_Query.Active := True; SQL.Free; result := KADaoTable_Query.FieldByName('Sample_ID').AsInteger;
KADaoTable_Query.ExecSQL(SQL);eventually calls
F_Database.CoreDatabase.Execute(F_ComposeSQL(SQL),SQLExecutionType);Which explains why select cannot be executed.
On the otherhand, using a select query as a table name eventually calls
F_DaoTable:=Database.CoreDatabase.OpenRecordset(TabN,TabType,Options,LoType);which is ok. Note that dbOpenDynaset is defined in DAOApi, which, therefore, must be included in the uses clause.
KADaoTable SQL Property
In this example, :Group_ID_Parameter is read from the Params property.
Set the KADaoTable.SQL property to
SELECT Users_tbl.UserID, Group_User_tbl.Group_ID, [Last_Name]+', '+[First_Name] AS Name FROM Users_tbl INNER JOIN Group_User_tbl ON Users_tbl.UserID = Group_User_tbl.User_ID WHERE (((Group_User_tbl.Group_ID)=:Group_ID_Parameter)) ORDER BY [Last_Name]+', '+[First_Name];Notice that where clauses are normally formatted with double quotes around a string. However, when parameter substitution is used, the double quotes must NOT be present (the object handles it correctly).
WHERE (((Group_User_tbl.Group_ID)="string")) vs WHERE (((Group_User_tbl.Group_ID)=:Group_ID_Parameter))Assuming that KADaoTable.ParamCheck is true (the default), a TParam property is automatically created for each phrase in the SQL property that starts with a colon.
The following sucessfully sets the parameter and queries the database.
UserDataModule.KADaoTable_Users_View.Active := false; UserDataModule.KADaoTable_Users_View.Params.ParamByName('Group_ID_Parameter').AsString := 'Sph_G'; UserDataModule.KADaoTable_Users_View.Active := true;The help says to use the open method, but that does not work.
KADaoTable1.Filter := '[NumericField] > 100 And [TextField] Like "Kiril*"' KADaoTable1.Filtered := True;When Filtered is True and KADaoTable.Filter text is changed the Table automatically refreshes its contents. Author: Robert Clemenzi -