Only finds the first matching record. There is no documented way to step through the records with the same query conditions.
First, FindFirst
According to the Delphi 5 help, FindFirst, FindNext, and FindLast are suppose to use the current filter property. However, for the IB (Interbase / Firebird) components, these virtual functions are NOT implemented and, therefore, always return false.
select * from "tableName" select * from "tableName" where "field" = 'string' Exact case sensitive match select * from "tableName" where "field" like 'string%' Case sensitive wildcard match % - any number of characters _ - any single character (underscore) select * from "tableName" where "field" containing 'string' Case insensitive wildcard match Wildcard characters are not usedMS Access searches are not case sensitive.
I had an application where I had several DBLookupComboBox components connected to the same table and where the permitted values were controled via a "type" field. The following code controlled the options displayed.
procedure TAdd_Port_Form.Filter_DBLookupComboBoxDropDown(Sender: TObject); begin SamplesDataModule.Barcodes_DataSource.DataSet.Filter := 'Barcode_Type_ID= ''F_Hld'''; SamplesDataModule.Barcodes_DataSource.DataSet.Filtered := true; end; procedure TAdd_Port_Form.FormHide(Sender: TObject); begin SamplesDataModule.Barcodes_DataSource.DataSet.Filtered := false; SamplesDataModule.Barcodes_DataSource.DataSet.Filter := ''; end;That worked perfectly with KADAO components (and MS Access), but was a complete disaster with the IB components (Firebird).
Variant Arrays
It appears that Variants (and related commands) are built-in to Delphi 5, but require something like
uses Variants;in Delphi 6 and above.
One solution is to use conditional source code such as this
{$IFDEF VER140} // Delphi 6 {$DEFINE D6UP} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER150} // Delphi 7 {$DEFINE D6UP} {$DEFINE D7UP} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF D6UP} uses Variants; // Delphi 6 only {$ENDIF}If more than one unit is included, structure the source more like this
uses {$IFDEF D6UP}Variants, {$ENDIF} Forms, Dialogs;Note that this code needs to test for each version of Delphi to work with that version. This means that each time a new version is released, you need to modify your source code.
Another approach is to test for version 5 or below.
{$IFDEF VER130} // Delphi 5 {$DEFINE mc_LE_D5} // Less than or equal to Delphi 5 // "mc" helps to avoid conflicts {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF mc_LE_D5} uses Variants; // Delphi 6 and above only {$ENDIF}Hopefully, this will allow your code to work with future version without having to modify the source.
var v : variant; begin v := VarArrayCreate([0, 4], varVariant); // 1 dimensional array with 5 elementsSee TVarData type for a list of valid element types.
Search Warning
QueryDefSQLText.Strings = ( 'SELECT Batches_tbl.Batch_ID, Batches_tbl.Batch_Name, Batches_tbl' + '.Description, Batches_tbl.SOP, SOPs_tbl.Procedure_ID, SOPs_tbl.N' + 'ame, SOPs_tbl.Description, Val([Element_Record]) AS Element_Reco' + 'rd_int, Experiment_Detail_View.Element_Table, Experiment_Detail_' + 'View.Experiment_ID' 'FROM Experiment_Detail_View INNER JOIN (Batches_tbl LEFT JOIN SO' + 'Ps_tbl ON Batches_tbl.SOP=SOPs_tbl.SOP_ID) ON Experiment_Detail_' + 'View.Exp_ID=Batches_tbl.Batch_ID' 'WHERE (((Experiment_Detail_View.Element_Table)="Batches_tbl"));') 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789Author: Robert Clemenzi -