Adding a graphic
The basic idea is to
procedure TWebModule1.PlotSpectra(); var i : integer ; ar : array[0..315] of single ; xx : TMemoryStream ; image1 : TBitMap ; JPEG_image : TJpegImage ; begin xx := TMemoryStream.Create; image1 := TBitMap.create; image1.Height := 200; image1.Width := 400; JPEG_image := TJpegImage.Create ; try // Read the data and place it in an array (IBTable2.FieldByName('SPECTRUM_Y') as TBlobField).SaveToStream(xx) ; // read a blob xx.Position := 0; xx.Read(ar, 316*4); // Draw the plot image1.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,image1.Width, image1.Height)); Image1.Canvas.MoveTo(0, 0); for i := 0 to 315 do begin Image1.Canvas.LineTo(i, trunc(ar[i] * image1.Height/50)); end; // Save the jpeg file JPEG_image.Assign(Image1) ; JPEG_image.SaveToFile('Image_Path/spectra.jpeg'); finally // if you create it, you must free it image1.Free ; JPEG_image.Free ; xx.Free ; end; // try end;This displays the spectra
' +
' ';
In this example, only a single filename is used over and over. In reality, this won't work ... the new data will never be seen because the first image is stored in a cache and only the cached copy will be displayed. In the real code, each image is given a unique filename - then additional code is necessary to delete images which are over 2 hours old.