To simply open and explore existing tables, use Database Explorer - this allows you to view data and create new tables.
Create a Database
To open the Windows version, use either of these
When creating a new database (*.fdb file) on a remote computer, place the remote computer's name in Server and a fully qualified path (including the drive letter) in Database. (The minimum file size is 568K.)
Add/Delete a User
(See Tutorial.pdf for full instructions.)
Basic Command Line Techniques
Quick Start: Firebird on Windows provides the following basic command line techniques
"C:\Program Files\FireBird\bin\isql.exe" "C:\Program Files\FireBird\examples\employee.gdb" -u sysdba -p pwd SQL> SHOW TABLES; SQL> SELECT * FROM countries; SQL> EXIT;
"C:\Program Files\FireBird\bin\isql.exe" SQL> CREATE DATABASE 'httplogs.gdb' USER 'vsbabu' PASSWORD 'vsb'; SQL> CREATE TABLE states (state_code VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, state_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL); SQL> INSERT INTO STATES (state_code, state_name) VALUES ('VA', 'Virginia'); SQL> INSERT INTO STATES (state_code, state_name) VALUES ('MD', 'Maryland'); SQL> SELECT * FROM states; SQL> COMMIT; SQL> EXIT;The SQL Create Database command does not work in the Database Explorer SQL windows, instead use Windows ISQL. Author: Robert Clemenzi -