Databases - Firebird sql2gdb Datapump

sql2gdb is an open source application that

I do have an issue with the lack of a report listing which names were modified ... particularly since it may affect my code.

Generated SQL - Example

These are examples related to a single table

Automatic Name Shortening - Example

This was automatically generated This is how the names were modified to not exceed 31 characters (one name was not shortened).

Data Copy

The SQL script actually has all the data created using this syntax - however, it appears that blob data is not copied (need to verify this).

Datapump Comparision

Move this to a new page

As you can see, the tables are almost identical.

But the initial generator value is different, and only one of the triggers includes a null test. There is also an issue with the terminating character.

Also note that there are no indices with ibdatapump but 6 with sql2gdb.

Author: Robert Clemenzi -
URL: http:// / user / clemenzi / technical / Databases / Firebird / sql2gdb.html