Databases - Using Several MS Access Versions

It is possible to use several versions of MS Access on the same data. The data needs to be stored in a separate file (in the oldest format) and linked into the mdb files which contain the forms and reports.

Unfortunately, this significantly increases application maintenance. (Forms, et al. need to be updated in more than one place.)

Creating Version Specific Files | Re-Compiling All Modules | Code Changes

Creating Version Specific Files

In order to convert to a lower level (for example, 2000 to 97) This produces a data file without any forms or reports, and several version specific files which do contain the forms and reports.

Re-Compiling All Modules

After conversion, open the mdb file. The following will appear in a dialog box. (I had to write this down because, you only get this message the first time you open the file.)

Well, of course the instructions are not quite right. They work if your Program has a Module, otherwise

I received I was missing "Visual Basic for Application Extensibility 5.3" which appears to be a part of VBA 6. Unfortunately, the path name was so long that I could not read the filename. My Windows 98 system does have "Visual Basic for Application Extensibility" (I can't read its path either). Simply unchecking the missing library and checking the one I have appears to have fixed the problem.

Code Changes

In my test case, I converted from MS Access 2000 to 97. Before I fixed the library problem, I had to change in several queries. Specifically, I changed

Once the library problem was fixed, Date() seemed to work ok.

Split the Database

In MS Access 97, Tools / Add-Ins / Database Splitter moves all the tables in an mdb file to another file and then automatically links back the tables. Careful - the default directory is My Documents.

In order to re-link them to the Least Common Denominator data, use Tools / Add-Ins / Linked Table Manager.

  1. Press Select All
  2. Un-select any tables that are not linked to the new backend database
  3. Check Always prompt for new location
  4. Press OK
The following file sizes are interesting

Author: Robert Clemenzi -
URL: http:// / user / clemenzi / technical / Databases / MSAccess / Versions.html