Sample | Name | Hex Value | Sample | Name | Hex Value |
Black | Black | "#000000"
Green | Green | "#008000" | |
Silver | Silver | "#C0C0C0"
Lime | Lime | "#00FF00" | |
Gray | Gray | "#808080"
Olive | Olive | "#808000" | |
White | White | "#FFFFFF"
Yellow | Yellow | "#FFFF00" | |
Maroon | Maroon | "#800000"
Navy | Navy | "#000080" | |
Red | Red | "#FF0000"
Blue | Blue | "#0000FF" | |
Purple | Purple | "#800080"
Teal | Teal | "#008080" | |
Fuchsia | Fuchsia | "#FF00FF"
Aqua | Aqua | "#00FFFF" | |
Aqua | <font color=Aqua>Aqua</font> |
Aqua | <font color="#00FFFF">Aqua</font> |
I disagree with their statement that colors in the 15-bit pallette do not map to any color in the 24-bit pallette. It is my understanding that they all map exactly. This difference is based on their assumption that the maximum value assigned to each 15-bit color gives the same brightness as the maximum value in 24-bit mode. If true, this correlation is implemented on specific video cards. It is not logical to assume that all video cards would implement the same algorithm.