Datasource:coe Template:Location.htx SQLStatement:SELECT LibraryLocation, +Program , Format("date",'Long Date') as xx1, +Age, Registration, ProgramInformation +FROM "Calendar of Events" +WHERE "Calendar of Events".LibraryLocation='%LibraryLocation%';Explanation of IDC file
Datasource:Name of ODBC alias (may contain spaces) Template:Name of the template file - normally *.htx SQLStatement:SQL select statement, + additional lines must start with a plus sign + must end with semicolon;
However, because IDC paramters are delimited with precent signs (such as %parameter%), IDC files prefer that a double percent - %% - be used as a wildcard character. When the meaning is not ambiguous, a single percent sign can be used.
+WHERE "table".fieldname like 'wa%' Begin with wa +WHERE "table".fieldname like '%wa%' Match the paramter wa +WHERE "table".fieldname like '%%wa%%' Contain wa (test this) +WHERE "table".fieldname like '%paramter%%' Begin with the parameter +WHERE "table".fieldname like '%%%paramter%%' ??? +WHERE "table".fieldname like '%%%paramter%%%' Contain the parameter +WHERE "table".fieldname like '%paramter%' Match the parameterWhen Access databases are searched with wildcards, the searches are case insensitive. Therefore
When a field name contains spaces, re-name it with an alias.
SELECT "Field Name" AS FieldName, "Zip Code" zipcode FROM tableName;The keyword AS is optional and can be omitted.
+WHERE abc='Some string' + AND SomeDate BETWEEN #7/1/99# AND #3/8/00# + AND xyz LIKE 'wa%'When querying MS Access tables, notice that dates are entered between pound signs and that there are no quotes. This syntax is database dependent.
According to the MS ODBC help, when referencing dates in MS Access,
the date "March 5, 1996" must be represented as {d '1996-03-05'} (the ODBC canonical date format) or #03/05/1996#.I have not checked that the canonical format works.
SELECT zipcode, count(*) as xx FROM maillist GROUP BY zipcode;An htx file could format this as
Zip Codes Count 20111 10 20222 20 20232 3 20521 48using - <tr><td><%zipcode%><td align=right><%xx%>
<a href="<%uniqueURL%>"><%MainTitle%></a>
When the additional information is in your database (rather than at a specific URL), the HTX file can format the link to call a second IDC/HTX pair which will display specific results.
<a href="/exe/second.idc?ID1=<%uniqueID%>"><%MainTitle%></a>
For example, a form allows you to enter query parameters which are sent to an IDC/HTX pair which provides a summary list (such as books on robots). When you click the name of one of the books, a second IDC/HTX pair is called which presents details about the selected book.
where fieldname='test' Is ok where fieldname="test" Generates an errorHowever, it is ok to place table names and fieldnames in double quotes. Use this syntax when they contain spaces.
where "Table Name"."field name"='test' Is ok where [Table Name].[field name]='test' May be ok (need to check)Do not place any quotes around numbers - quotes are for strings only.
where ID1=%uniqueID% Uses a number for the unique ID
SQLStatement: +SELECT iff(len(Description)<100, + Description, left(Description, 100) + ' ...') as desc +FROM table;will return the data in the Description field. If more than 100 characters are returned, then the string is truncated and 3 dots are added at the end. (Yes, this has been tested and it works.)
Format ([FieldName], 'Short Date') Format ([FieldName], 'Long Date') Format ([FieldName], 'Currency') Adds a Dolllar sign Format ([FieldName], 'Percent') Format ([FieldName], 'Yes/No') -1=Yes 0=NoIn MS Access, various format options can be found in the help. If you assume that the Format command is executed by MS Access (likely, but not specified), all those formats should work.
Note: To use the string returned by the Format statement it must be given a name. The standard technique is to use an AS clause.
Format ([FieldName], 'Short Date') as UniqueNameThen UniqueName is referenced in the htx file.
For formating text, the Format command is ok for forcing upper case or lower case. However, for more extensive control, use the string functions.
Datasource: ODBC Table Name Username: username Password: xxxxxx Template: template.htx RequiredParameters: parameter1, parameter2 DefaultParameters: numeric1=0, numeric2=0 ODBCOPTIONS: SQL_OPT_TRACE=0, SQL_OPT_TRACEFILE=\TRACE1.txt SQLStatement: +exec Stored_Proc_Name '%parameter1%', '%parameter2%', + %numeric1%, %numeric2%
The plus sign (+) used to start each line is equivalent to a space.
Datasource: SQLStatement: Template:This causes a "file may not exist" error. Simply change the command order to
Datasource: Template: SQLStatement:to fix the problem. (go Microsoft)