Word 97 to HTML

Microsoft Word 97 is able to create HTML files. From the menu, select one of the following, as appropriate
File / Save As HTML...
File / Save As... / Save as Type / HTML Document

MS Word 2000 has the advantage that it "correctly" handles tabs ... but it does this by using xml and style sheets :{ a formula that gaurantees poor performance in many browsers.


As examples, I used 2 MS Word files I received vai email - some meeting minutes and a survey form.

The html files created by Microsoft Word 97 original and SR2 are identical. (I could not find any additional version information.)

Author: Robert Clemenzi - clemenzi@cpcug.org
URL: http:// cpcug.org / user / clemenzi / technical / HTML_Examples / html_Generators.htm / Word 97 to HTML