// menus.js // 10-15-00 by Robert Clemenzi // 09-13-03 Modified to support Netscape 7.0 - see lines that contain "NETSCAPE_7" browserName = navigator.appName; browserVer=parseInt(navigator.appVersion); if ((browserName=="Netscape" && browserVer>=3)|| (browserName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer" && browserVer>=4)) version="n3"; else version="n2"; if (version=="n3") window.OnError = null; var IE; // 1 if browser is Internet Explorer var NETSCAPE; // 1 if browser is Netscape var NETSCAPE_7; // 1 if browser is Netscape 7 var showing; // Current popup showing, if any var on_link; // 1 if pointer is on a menu option var the_time; // Keeps track of a temporary "time" var out_time; // The "time" the last mouseout occured if(document.all) { IE=1; } if(document.layers) { NETSCAPE=1; } if(document.getElementById) { NETSCAPE_7=1; } showing = ""; the_time = 1; out_time = 1; on_link = 0; setTimeout("auto_hide()", 1000); function show(id_name) { window.OnError = null; hide(); // Hide the current menu showing = id_name; set_on_link(1); if(id_name == "") // This allows entries without pop-ups { return null; } if(IE) document.all[id_name].style.visibility = "visible"; if(NETSCAPE) document.layers[id_name].visibility = "show"; if(NETSCAPE_7) document.getElementById(showing).style.visibility = "visible"; // setTimeout("auto_hide()", 1000); return null; } function hide() { window.OnError = null; if(showing != "") { if(IE) document.all[showing].style.visibility = "hidden"; if(NETSCAPE) document.layers[showing].visibility = "hide"; if(NETSCAPE_7) document.getElementById(showing).style.visibility = "hidden"; } showing = ""; } // Timer to hide the menu if the mouse is not pointing to it function auto_hide() { window.OnError = null; the_time ++; if(on_link == 0 && showing != "" && the_time > out_time) { hide(); } if(the_time >= 30000) { the_time = 0; out_time = 0; } setTimeout("auto_hide()", 1000); } function set_on_link(flag) { window.OnError = null; the_time = 0; out_time = 1; on_link = flag; } function reset_on_exit() { window.OnError = null; showing = ""; the_time = 1; out_time = 1; on_link = 0; }