Miscellaneous HTML codes - Formats wrong in IE 4.72 & IE 5.00
Preformatted - Use courier, keep spacing, no line wrap Imbedded codes are interpreted This file was made from codes.txt to illustrate a problem with IE 4 & IE 5 - They both mistakenly interpret this text file as an html file. Browsers should simply display the contents of this file without interpreting any of the codes. When this file is read from a local drive, IE 4.72 & IE 5.00 do that. However, when they read it from the web (same file and same extension), they interpret the html tags and the file is then displayed wrong! This appears to be controlled by how many characters there are from the beginning of the document and the first
 tag. No kidding.
If the 
 is more than 188 characters from the beginning of the file,
this is treated as a text file, otherwise, it is treated as an html file.

Netscape Communicator 4.05 always displays this as a text file.

	Block Comment, can contain additional codes


Revision history
  9-29-00 - Created this because IE 4 & 5 interprets codes in .txt files