ActionScript - Simple Programs
You'd think that *Hello World* would be simple ....
Writing Code
| Hello World
| A Simple Button
| Debug Assistance
| Comments
Writing Code
Code is entered via the Actions frame ... open it via
- Right click on the Timeline or on any object and select Actions
- In the menu, select Window / Actions
- Press F9 (acts like a toggle)
In ActionScript3, code can only be added to a layer.
It is considered good practice to create a code layer
and to attach all of the code to frame 1 of that layer.
It is also possible to create a separate script file and
add it to the library. This is the preferred method
for code that will be used with multiple projects.
Hello World - no button
In a new project
- Place a text object with some dummy text on the canvas
- In the Properties frame
- Change the type from Static Text to Dynamic Text
- Enter an Instance Name (no spaces or periods) -
I suggest Test_UIEdit
- Test the form (press Ctrl-Enter) - the text you entered should be displayed
In order to add code
- Add a new layer (single click the first layer icon)
- Change the name to code
(double click the name or right click and select Properties...)
- Open the Actions frame (see above)
The tab at the bottom of the Actions frame will tell you where the
code will be stored - you want code : 1.
In the Actions frame, click Script Assist -
this will provide some help.
Since you are just starting, I suggest using the library tree in the upper
left of the Actions frame.
Navigate to and double click
flash.text / TextField / Properties / text
This will add 2 lines of code to the script
import flash.text.TextField;
The first line includes the necessary library,
the second is a partial line of code, change the code to
import flash.text.TextField;
Test_UIEdit.text = "New Text";
Test the form (press Ctrl-Enter) -
the new text should be displayed.
The following code performs the same function using a variable ...
this is useful because it enables good context sensitive help
when you type s dot.
import flash.text.TextField;
var s:TextField = Test_UIEdit;
s.text = "more text";
A Simple Button
Code placed in the script is executed immediately.
In order to control when the code is run,
it needs to be placed in subroutines and called when some event occurs.
Using the project above
- Draw an object
- You can use a rectangle, circle, or related object
- Convert it to a button
- Right click
- Select Convert to Symbol...
- Select Button and Save (click OK)
- In the Properties frame, enter an Instance Name
(no spaces or periods) - I suggest test_UIButton
- Add code to display simple text
To make a button call code, you need to create an Event Listener
and associate it with both the button and a subroutine.
This is the suggested code
import flash.text.TextField;
test_UIButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, test_UIButton_OnClick);
function test_UIButton_OnClick(event1:MouseEvent):void
var s:TextField = Test_UIEdit;
s.text = "more text";
Test the form (press Ctrl-Enter)
When you click the button, the text in the code should be displayed
The popup help for addEventListener is a little confusing
public override function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function,
useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
type is a case sensitive string.
For mouse click, you can use either of these
The help file suggests using the property because the compiler
will catch any errors ... if you mistype the case sensitive strings,
then the program may fail in weird ways.
The available events are not very easy to find - these apply to MouseEvent
Mouse Events
MouseEvent Property | String
CLICK | "click"
DOUBLE_CLICK | "doubleClick"
MOUSE_DOWN | "mouseDown"
MOUSE_LEAVE | "mouseLeave"
MOUSE_MOVE | "mouseMove"
MOUSE_OUT | "mouseOut"
MOUSE_OVER | "mouseOver"
MOUSE_UP | "mouseUp"
MOUSE_WHEEL | "mouseWheel"
ROLL_OUT | "rollOut"
ROLL_OVER | "rollOver"
Debug Assistance
Sometimes it is useful to
indicate what is happening while the code is running.
The following can be used to send any string to the Output panel.
trace("Any string");
Actually, trace can accept multiple arguments, of most types
(not just strings),
separated by commas.
This language is object oriented, but the user interface is fairly weak.
- It does not provide the context sensitive help that makes
Delphi so good - when you type a period, there is no supporting help at all
for components on the form. However, there is weak supporting help
for variables.
Use Ctrl-Space to open the help window (same as Delphi).
- When Script Assist is enabled, you can not type directly into
the program. Instead, you select a line and then edit it
in a separate field. (Yuk)
- Ctrl-Ins and Shift-Ins do not work for Copy and Paste,
use Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V instead. (very frustrating)
To write code
- Leave Script Assist off - lets you directly edit code,
double click highlights just the string between 2 dots
- Use the Target icon (circle with crosshairs) to replace the selected text
with the name of a defined object
- Use the Plus icon to add properties and methods
Naming conventions
- Every object on the User Interface is identified with _UIObjectType
- such as Test_UIText and Test_UIButton
- Methods called by Events are typically named ObjectName_OnEventName
- such as Test_UIText_OnClick
- When objects are grouped together in some way, the object names
typically start with the common group name or ID
Author: Robert Clemenzi -