Specifically, TPageControl.TabIndex
In delphi 5, TabIndex is a protected property of TCustomTabControl. In Delphi 6, it is published (and therefore stored in the *.dfm [Form definition] file).
Error reading PageControl1.TabIndex: Property does not exist. Ignore the error and continue? NOTE: Ignoring the error may cause components to be deleted or property values to be lost.
Built-In Help
Delphi 6 - What happend??
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\MSHelpSince I use this all the time, this is a major issue
In Delphi 5, it works perfectly
In Delphi 6, it is totally unreliable
Built-In Actions
Specifically, two actions (TSearchFind and TSearchReplace) are based on TSearchAction. The critical line is
P := SearchBuf(Buffer, Size, EditControl.SelStart, EditControl.SelLength, SearchString, SearchOptions);Unfortunately, SearchBuf does not locate a match if the target pattern of characters occurs at the beginning of the string being searched - Fixed in Delphi 6 Update Pack.
Neither version has enough documentation on these - see Pre-Defined action classes for about one line per action.
Improved Actions
Different Units
For instance, Variants are built into the Delphi 5 compiler and no units need to be included - in Delphi 6, you must include the Variants unit. This example will work in both compilers.
{$IFDEF VER130} // Delphi 5 {$DEFINE mc_LE_D5} // Less than or equal to Delphi 5 // I use "mc" to help avoid conflicts {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF mc_LE_D5} uses Variants; // Delphi 6 and above only {$ENDIF}
Some other differences