System Upgrade - Adobe CS3
Part 1 - November 16, 2007

Adobe CS3 Master Collection is one large powerful (and expensive) collection of programs.

However, installing it will severely slow down every other application on your system ... simply because it adds more than 3.5 megabytes to the registry. There is no way that any program should hurt your system's performance that much.

In addition,

This page is still under construction - I've posted it early because, even though it will take a week or more before I have a working system, the information already in here might help someone. Part 2 contains additional data.

Problem 1 - No installation documentation

This is unbelievable, the package came with 3 books - but they are only advertising fluff.

The entire product requires 22 GB of hard disk space - but my laptop only has a fairly full 70 GB drive. The solution (compromise) seemed fairly simple - put a few important programs on the c-drive and the rest (including all the examples, stock photos, audio sample, and the like) on a USB drive that is normally not available.

The only obvious options were install on c-drive, or select another drive. If another drive is selected, a 3 GB core is still placed on the c-drive.

So ... I selected the z-drive ... boy, that was a mistake

Broken Registry Links

This program also modified a number of registry entries that other programs were using. Let me be very specific - installing Adobe CS3 broke other software.

Normally, any program that intentionally disables other programs is called a virus. (At this point, I have a very low opinion of Adobe.)

Without my explicit permission, and without telling me exactly what registry entries were modified, this ..P..O..S.. basically destroyed my system. It will now take several days to get the other programs working - I have to trudge through the registry and undo the damage.

I feel sorry for normal users who don't have the skills to fix this type of crap.

Acrobat Problem

After installing CS3, I noticed that Windows Explorer was having problems - it was very sluggish.

I also noticed that the external drive kept turning on and off when I was not using it.

After I unplugged the USB drive, Windows Explorer began causing problems - every time I right click a file, the system tries to install Adobe Acrobat. First, a dialog box with the following is displayed

Then it pops up another box.

And it does this every time I right click ... every time.

There is no way that right clicking a file should cause the system to check for Acrobat ... even if it was installed on the c-drive this still slows down your system.

Yeah, I call this a virus - Acrobat is extremely bad.


This program added the following to the right click menu

While I'll agree that these can be useful, I don't see any point in wasting time every time I right click a file while their marginal program executes just to see if I might want to do something. Obviously, Adobe sees this as a time saving feature - I see it as time wasting advertising. If I need to perform either of these features, then I can start Acrobat manually.

Presumably, this is the related registry entry


I will continue to call this virus like activity.

Solution - uninstall Acrobat.

Well - then I could no longer read pdf files (this worked fine before installing CS3). I reinstalled an old Acrobat Reader 6 that I had - I didn't like the new version 8 interface anyway ... I really didn't like it. (Actually, just running Acrobat 6 was enough - it detected the registry changes and I told it to change them back. At least I can now use the web again.)

Version Cue

Version Cue - this is the automatic file update program.

It is installed active ... and the first thing it did was to download more than 200 MB of new stuff (a complete disaster if you have a dial up connection). And for it to work, you must close all open browser windows - piece of crap.

Its default mode is to waste your time by executing its very high priority task of going on line and seeing if it can trash your system (install updates without your permission). I don't allow Microsoft to do that ... I'm sure not going to allow a company that has just proven that it can not be trusted (Adobe) to do it either.

(Why can't these people name this Automatic Update since that is what it does - I installed it because I thought it would help me handle versions of things I created - not download stuff.)

Yes - I removed this garbage also.

According to Adobe, Version Cue is used to

track versions of a file as you work and to enable workgroup collaboration such as file sharing, version control, backups, online reviews, and the ability to check files in and out.
Funny, that is a feature I want ... but why is it combined with the auto-update feature? And why doesn't Adobe admit that this program performs that function?

Flash Viewer

I used to be able to double click flash files (*.flv) and see the movies ... not any more.

I normally use flv player (free) to implemented this. However, the Adobe install removed the registry entries I liked and replaced them with ..... nothing. That's right, nothing happens when I double click *.flv files - Instead, I have to right click, go to Open With and then select the program I want to use.

This is what the installation did - I repaired this by directly editing the registry.

The truly disgusting thing is that the ONLY thing that "FlashVideo.FlashVideo" contains is an icon - that's right Adobe is breaking MY system just to advertise their product. (Calling this "virus like" activity is letting them off easy.)

Locked the USB drive

The reason for a USB drive was for backup - I never intended for it to be required.

Well, Adobe did it again

got installed into Internet Explorer - it provides the Contribute Toolbar, something I hid as soon as I saw it because I am not interested in those features. At any rate, as long as any instances of IE are running, the USB drive can not be removed.

Unfortunately, simply closing the IE windows was not enough - some other presumably Adobe program was still locking the drive.

I had to reboot to unplug the drive.

If I boot with the drive plugged in, windows will not allow me to unplug it.

If I plug the drive in after the system is up, then, while the drive can not be unplugged while IE is running, it can be unplugged after it is stopped.

Additional Crap I don't want

I continue to find programs I don't want running every time I boot!

Apple's Bonjour for iTunes

Apple's mdnsresponder.exe was loaded as a service (read that - more difficult to disable) from the c-drive. From liutilities

mdnsresponder.exe is a process associated with "Bonjour for Windows" software. It is used by ITunes for music sharing.
I don't use iTunes - I have no interest in something I have to pay extra to use - I don't pirate (illegally share) music. I assume that this came with the file that allows QuickTime to display flv files.

The service for this parasite is named weird to make it difficult to find - I disabled

How To Uninstall or Remove Bonjour mDNSResponder.exe suggests that mdnsresponder is used to share files - and Adobe wants you to be able to share files with others on your development team. But MS Windows already provides tools to do that. And on a single user system (laptop) this parasite simply uses memory (virtual size is 24 MB, 3 MB in memory) and slows down ALL other processes ... for no added benefit.

Stolen Extensions

I have a very low tolerance for programs that steal file extensions currently used by other programs ... particularly when they don't even tell you.

These are from a trace I ran - these are not all the changes, just enough to get the idea.

These are related to the Borland Development System (BDS), a software development platform that is now partly broken. Note: dcr - Delphi compiled resource

Closing Notes

On this page, I have been very hard on Adobe - and with good reason, their CS3 installation took over my machine and acted like a virus ... and I lost several days trying to restore the system to something useful. (Its been a week ... and I am still not finished.)

However, my comments refer to installation and configuration ... ONLY.

In general, I like the Adobe products - and Flash & Acrobat have become defacto industry standards. I just wish there had been a simple installation guide that explained what I needed to know, and options to keep my configuration from being destroyed without my knowledge.

This is my system ... not Adobe's!

Author: Robert Clemenzi -
URL: http:// / user / clemenzi / technical / Upgrades / Adobe_cs3.html