ISPs - MediaWiki at GoDaddy

I installed MediaWiki on a GoDaddy Linux account. (This requires that php5 is enabled.) After a few minutes, the installation was complete.

Pretty simple ... now you need a couple of days to configure it.

Installation | Versions | Initial Configuration | Logo Configuration | Help Page Configuration | Menu Bar Configuration | Custom Page Layout | Allowing Flash Movies


I installed MediaWiki on a GoDaddy Linux account configured for php 5.1. It takes a few minutes (more than 5) for the installation to complete.


The version available at GoDaddy (on 03-04-08) was not the current release. I don't know exactly what the differences are, but some changes are related to security.

I discovered this after the installation was complete and I was trying to configure the software.

Initial Configuration

Using the installation default directory, the main wiki page is located at The MediaWiki Installation Guide says to use the configuration script. However, GoDaddy apparently runs this for you.

When I navigated to

the following was displayed Based on this, and what is visible via ftp, basic configuration (creating directories and a database) was handled by GoDaddy's scripts. However ... that is just a small beginning. Several links on the default page (8 in all) currently point to blank pages. I suspect that you will need a couple of days to edit these.

Logo Configuration

The logo on the default page instructs you to

To accomplish this, add something similar to the following lines to the bottom of LocalSettings.php

The logo should be 135px square ... if you want a different size, then you should modify the style sheet.

Personally, I prefer to work in Windows (as opposed to Linux). Therefore, I use ftp to copy files from the server to my local machine (where I keep backups), edit the files there, and then copy the new files back to the server. When editing php files, it is important to set the ftp transfer mode to ASCII. (Editing via ftp may not work with binary mode because the Windows and Linux line termination characters are different.)

It is interesting to note that while the $wgLogo manual page instructions state

the provided LocalSettings.php does not contain a closing ?> ... but that does not seem to matter.

Help Page Configuration

There are links to 2 blank help pages Help:Installation-Software Configuration provides guidance on linking these to the help pages at wikimedia. Basically, login as an administrator and make the following changes

Menu Bar Configuration

There are 2 Menu Bars that need configuration Many of these options point to blank pages ... and you should place content on some of those. However, Some of these can be removed (or changed) by editing the navigation control on the left of every page (instructions). To do this, you must log on as an administrator.

At this point, you need to produce content for the remaining 3 pages - Main Page, Current Events, About.

That takes care of the 8 pages I've identified as needing immediate attention before going live.

Custom Page Layout

There should have been a link to this on the default page - it would have saved me 2 days of research.

Customize page layout says

It also provides a different method to change the sidebar menus.

Allowing Flash Movies

If you wish to allow Flash movies, you need to copy a single php file to a directory and modify LocalSettings.php to read it. Extension:Flash provides syntax, source code, and installation instructions.

Then you will need to enable file uploads (disabled by default). First make the upload directory (default images) writable by the web server (chmod 777). The modify $wgEnableUploads in LocalSettings.php.

Next you have to enable uploads of flash files.

Combining all 3 changes changes, add the following to LocalSettings.php (remember that Linux filenames are case sensitive)

Author: Robert Clemenzi
URL: http:// / ISPs / MediaWiki.html