I found this method to format a web page as a tab control as a part of MM Forms.
Basically, parts of the page are placed in uniquely named div blocks.
When the tabs are clicked, the code simply hides all but one of the blocks.
The tabs themselves are the elements of an unordered list.
The stylesheet hides the list formatting and renders the anchor tags as boxes
(tabs) on a single line. The list class is used to control the color
of the currently selected tab.
Clicking on a "tab" calls the code that changes the visibility and color.
Each "page" of data needs to be enclosed in a uniquely named div block.
Only one section should be the current_tab,
the rest have their class set to inactive_tab.
define your page here
define your page here
Any items you want displayed on all tabs (perhaps a submit button)
can be placed either before or after the div blocks.
Both the javascript and stylesheet files should be included in the web page header.
Please be sure to add the newline (\n) characters to help make the page human readable.
add_action('wp_head', array(&$this, 'wp_head')); // called when html header is processed
function wp_head() {
echo "\n";
$form_tabs_css = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lib-events/form-tabs.css';
$form_tabs_js = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lib-events/form-tabs.js';
echo ''."\n";
echo ''."\n";
Note that the newline character (\n) only works
when placed in double quotes.
If single quotes are used, it is simply printed without translation..
The last 2 echo commands could have also been entered as