Javascript - Gradients

The code to create gradients is poorly documented - I created this page because I did not get what I expected.

These 2 commands produce slightly different gradients - based on the w3schools help, I had no idea why.

In a 200 pixel canvas, in order to set the top of the gradient to a specified color, the value had to be set twice. Without this, the top value is #F0F0F0 instead of #FFFFFF. (Chrome 49 on Windows XP) It was not immediately obvious that placing a 256 step gradient into a 200 pixel canvas might produce this problem.

Examples | Analysis | An additional source


In these examples, moving the mouse over the images will display the color.

1 2 3
Decimal Hex
  1. White and black are not available - incorrectly had a width of 10
    ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 10, canvas.height-delta_x);

  2. Adding a margin with a value of '1' makes white and black available
    ctx.createLinearGradient(0, margin, 0, canvas.height-delta_x-(2*margin));

  3. Without the margin, an extra color stop was needed to get white
    var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, canvas.height-delta_x);
    grd.addColorStop(0, "white");
    grd.addColorStop(0.06, "white");// required to get white

In this example, the gradient sets both the width and height.
The colors of the 2 corners are 0xFEFEFE and 0x030303.
  var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

  var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  grd.addColorStop(0, "white");
  grd.addColorStop(1, "black");

  ctx.fillStyle = grd;
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

In this example, the gradient sets both the width and height and gradient start point is (2,2) and the end point is six less than the canvas size.
The colors of the 2 corners are 0xFFFFFF and 0x000000 - exactly what is wanted.
When the starting point was (1,1) and the endpoint was only one or two less than the canvas size, the results were fairly poor.
  var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

  var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(2, 2, canvas.width-6, canvas.height-6);
  grd.addColorStop(0, "white");
  grd.addColorStop(1, "black");

  ctx.fillStyle = grd;
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

// The following worked, but was not sufficiently useful - only one pixel was black
// ctx.createLinearGradient(1, 1, canvas.width-2, canvas.height-2);


The biggest problem with gradients is that the w3schools help on them is close to worthless. createlineargradient takes 4 parameters - but there is no explanation as to what those mean. I have pieced the following together based mostly on trial and error. According to w3schools, those values specify the starting and ending points of the gradient. (I am not sure what that means!) You can play with the linear gradient at w3schools.

An additional source

After figuring most of it out, I found that provides a pretty clear explanation of the gradient command and what the properties mean. Specifically, that page verified that It also added that fact that

Author: Robert Clemenzi
URL: http:// / Languages / Javascript / Gradients.html